The Done List

The trouble with to-lists we don’t always complete them.  We do half the list and then the rest gets transferred to the next day’s list. 

A long to-do list means we’ve got a lot to do it doesn’t mean we do a lot.

At the end of each day, why not think about what you’ve achieved that day rather than what you’ve got to do tomorrow.

That’s why you need a ‘Done’ list.

The to-do list is about goals, Done Lists are about achievements.

Here’s my idea: buy a new diary, and at the end of every day write in it what you’ve achieved.

The important thing to remember is, this is just for you. You make the rules on what is worthy of going on your Done List. It could be business or personal, or it could be both. It could be winning a major piece of business, it could be spending an hour’s quality time with your child or it could just be finding some time to read a book.

What matters is; taking time at the end of every day to think about what has brought you satisfaction, then make a note of it.

At the end of the week or month or year, you can look back at your Done List diary and see what you’ve achieved.

They say ‘history will be the judge’. Now your history will be there for you to judge.